Do you believe that only those meeting with the local church are Christians?

Of course not. We neither believe nor teach that one must meet with us in order to be a genuine Christian. We receive in fellowship (Rom. 14:115:13) all proper believers in Christ regardless of where they choose to meet.

We recognize that in the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant denominations, and the independent groups there are many genuine blood-washed, Spirit-regenerated believers in Christ and we receive them as our brothers and sisters in the Lord. In fact, many of those meeting with the local church came to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ prior to meeting with us. We rejoice in this! Being born again (regenerated) is not dependent upon what one believes concerning the church, that is, upon how, where, or even whether one chooses to meet with other Christians.

“…we joyfully receive all those whom Christ has received. We have no right to reject those whom Christ has received.”

We believe and teach that eternal salvation is obtained uniquely through repentance unto God and faith in Christ (Acts 20:21), that it is absolutely of grace and not of man’s works (Eph. 2:8). The foundation of the faith we hold in common with all believers (Jude 3) is the very Person and redemptive work of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:7).

Furthermore, we joyfully receive all those whom Christ has received (Rom. 15:7). We have no right to reject those whom Christ has received. We welcome fellowship with all the Lord’s children.

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